Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our customers are saying about their experience with Coordinate.



Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains why his team plans to scale operations with Coordinate.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains how responsive Coordinate is to feedback and quick to improve the product.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains how Coordinate drives significant cost savings and revenue by helping him maintain a full labor pipeline.


Sean Hoyle, Sr. Designer at Avsant explains how running client projects with Coordinate leads to more accurate estimates and sales quotes, in turn boosting revenue.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains how collaborative software leads to better project preparation, resulting in a reduction in costly project delays and exponential time savings.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant details the power of Coordinate's open API and how it differentiates Coordinate from AV industry software.


Sean, Hoyle Lead Designer at Avsant details how the team's migration to Coordinate was seamless due to its ease of use and accessibility to progressive adoption.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant discusses how Coordinate's integrate file sharing enhances collaboration.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant details how Coordinate's ease-of-use organically drives stakeholder adoption of the software, in turn increasing project engagement.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains how his team uses Coordinate's internal comments to ensure relevant and timely client communication.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant explains how critical ease-of-use is in order to get executives and clients to engage with a client portal.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant describes the familiar pain his team endured of relying on emails and phone calls for project management, and contrasts that experience with the benefits of using Coordinate.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant details how Coordinate helps his team streamline stakeholder handoff and achieve the right balance of communication.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant details how the AV industry struggles with project management. He goes on to explain the importance of having the right software to overcome these industry's challenges, and enable his team to deliver on time with high-quality results.


Seth Forbus, Sr. Project Manager at Avsant details how the superior organization and transparency provided by Coordinate sets Avsant apart from its competition in the AV industry.

Passive prospecting


From Chaos to Clarity: The Transition from Trello to Coordinate


The ROI of Coordinate: A Transformational Growth Story

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