From 'Outlook Hell' to Coordinate for Effective Project Management


Transition from Traditional Communication to Project Management Software

Our interaction with clients initially depended largely on traditional means such as phone calls and emails through platforms like Outlook. This conventional approach, although common, has considerable drawbacks, especially when managing complex projects. The use of Outlook for project management, while frequent, can lead to confusion due to unstructured communication and difficulty in tracking conversation chains.

Pitfalls of Using Outlook for Project Management

Outlook, often humorously referred to as the worst project management software, can create a chaotic environment. The problems range from ensuring the right person is included in the communication chain to dealing with irrelevant or out-of-context information embedded in old email threads. When a piece of information becomes relevant later, the challenge of locating it amidst the clutter can be daunting.

Benefits of Coordinate

The use of Coordinate, a project management tool, has significantly streamlined our processes. It ensures that the necessary information is available at the right time, filtering out unnecessary noise. It allows us to efficiently manage our milestones, track task lists, and maintain records of completed tasks along with their completion dates and responsible individuals.

Increased Accountability and Efficiency

A key advantage of Coordinate is the enhanced accountability. It enables faster tracing of actions in retrospect, for instance, identifying who completed a particular task and when. It also allows for real-time filtering of irrelevant information, enabling the focus on current relevant tasks. This has significantly improved our efficiency in project management, allowing us to deliver our tasks faster.