Difficulty: Intermediate
Difficulty: Beginner

How to Effectively Use Subtasks in Coordinate


Managing a project isn't always straightforward—especially when it involves multiple steps or collaborators. One feature in Coordinate that simplifies this process is the use of subtasks. This blog post walks you through how to implement and utilize subtasks in Coordinate to keep your projects on track.

Steps for Creating Subtasks

1. Start with a Parent Task

Begin by creating an empty project and adding a primary task. In our example, the parent task is "Prepare the Documents."

2. Create a Checklist

To create subtasks for the parent task, you need to set up a checklist. Your checklist could include items like:
- Proofread Copy
- Prepare for Signing
- Send Out Final Copies

3. Assign Subtasks

Coordinate allows you to assign these subtasks to different team members. In our scenario:
- Ted is responsible for "Proofread Copy."
- The CEO takes "Prepare for Signing."
- Tina handles "Send Out Final Copies."

4. Set Due Dates

Subtasks also support due dates. Make sure each team member knows their deadlines. Coordinate will notify each individual based on the due dates set.

5. Track Subtasks in 'My Tasks'

Once subtasks are assigned, they will appear in each team member's 'My Tasks' page. You can also find them listed under the parent task and check them off from there or from the plan page.

6. Complete Subtasks Before Closing Parent Task

The parent task can only be marked as completed after all its subtasks are finished. Make sure each team member checks off their subtask before attempting to close the parent task.


Subtasks are an essential feature in Coordinate for breaking down a complex task into manageable pieces and distributing work among team members. Using subtasks correctly can make your project management more efficient and effective. If you have any questions about this feature, feel free to reach out.