Difficulty: Intermediate
Difficulty: Beginner

Utilizing Project Summaries in Coordinate: A Step-by-Step Guide

Project summaries in Coordinate can be a powerful tool to streamline your interactions with clients, enhance project comprehension, and boost productivity. Let's delve into a simple step-by-step guide on how to use project summaries effectively.

Step 1: Creating a Project Summary

Start by selecting the project you've created with your client. For our example, we will be using a project created for a hypothetical client named Bob.

Locate the hamburger menu (symbolized by three horizontal lines) at the top right corner of your project interface. Click on it and select the 'Add Summary' option. You will see a text box where you can write a project summary.

This summary can include any kind of information pertinent to the project, from basic text to more engaging content like videos, images, bullet points, links, and more. The contents you place in the summary will be displayed prominently in the top right portion of the project interface, making it easily accessible for your client.

Step 2: Incorporating Summaries into Templates

For frequent and consistent use, you can incorporate a summary into a template. This makes it easy to copy the summary across multiple projects, ensuring uniformity and saving time.

Step 3: Customizing the Summary Content

The summary section is customizable to suit various use cases. Here are a couple of scenarios where a project summary can be beneficial:

a) Embedding Important Links

You can use the summary section to place important links for your clients. For instance, if you want to add a link to a calendar scheduler such as Calendly, you can include it in your summary. This makes it easier for your clients to access key resources relevant to the project, improving their experience and efficiency.

b) Renaming and Customizing the Summary

The term 'summary' is not set in stone. It can be renamed and modified to suit the content within. To rename the summary, head to the summary section, click on it, and select 'Rename Summary'. In our example, we renamed it to 'Links'. You can then edit the content to reflect the new name.

For instance, if you renamed it to 'Links', the content can be modified to include different links that are relevant to your client. This could include links to calendars, documents, or other resources, creating a useful link repository at the top of your project interface.

Step 4: Modifying or Deleting the Summary

The flexibility of Coordinate allows you to modify or delete the summary at any point in time. This adaptability ensures that your project summary remains relevant and useful as your project evolves.


In conclusion, a project summary in Coordinate can be a versatile tool for communicating key project information to your clients. It can act as a welcome message, a repository of important links, or any other information that suits your client's needs. It's a simple yet effective way to enhance client interaction and project comprehension. Remember, the project summary is all about meeting your client's needs, so feel free to get creative with it!