Difficulty: Intermediate
Difficulty: Beginner

Harnessing the Power of Internal Communications and Tasks with Coordinate

In the increasingly remote working environment, the need for clear and concise project management is more important than ever. That's where the innovative tool, Coordinate, comes into play. This platform revolutionizes the way teams and clients collaborate on projects. From creating new tasks to efficient internal communications, Coordinate simplifies the process and offers a seamless experience to all involved parties. Today, we delve into the ins and outs of using internal communications and tasks on this platform.

Setting Up a New Project

Let's start with the initial stage of setting up a new project. With Coordinate, creating a project is straightforward. You can simply navigate to the new project button and name it accordingly. For demonstration purposes, let's call it a "test project".

In this test project, there will be different segments, which will be shared with the client. You can start by creating task groups labeled, for instance, "phase one" and "phase two". Each group can contain several tasks that will be viewable and interactable by the client. For instance, we can assign "client task one" under the first group.

Once these tasks are created, inviting the client to the project is the next step. By inviting "client Rick" for instance, you can assign tasks to him, opening up the lines of communication regarding these tasks.

Open Communication and Task Management

Coordinate offers a discussion thread for each task, making it easy for you to reach out to your client directly. By starting a discussion with a simple message such as "how is this going?", you engage the client and foster open communication regarding task progress.

Interestingly, Coordinate also allows for "at" mentions. This feature notifies any mentioned party, whether they're part of the project or other members of your company. This way, you can bring in anyone relevant to the conversation, effectively improving collaboration and communication.

Separate Internal Communications

Apart from the shared discussion thread, there's also an "internal" tab dedicated to your team's private communication. This area is exclusive for team members, meaning it is completely hidden from the client's view. It provides an ideal space for your team to collaborate, discuss, or even just brainstorm, without disrupting the client-facing channels.

When a client accesses the project through their invitation, they can only see their tasks and related discussion threads, keeping the internal team communications private and separate.

Private Tasks

Apart from the private communication thread, Coordinate also allows for the creation of private tasks for internal team usage. These can be grouped under, for instance, "internal action items". Once the group is created, you can make it private through the options menu, visible as the "hamburger menu".

Any task created under this group is private to your team and marked as such. This offers all the functionalities of a normal task, but visible only to your team members. You can communicate, assign people, and manage these tasks privately. When the client navigates to their plan, they won't see any of these internal action items.

The Dual Benefit

Coordinate's bifurcated approach gives you a dual benefit. It not only allows you to maintain an open and transparent line of communication with your clients but also enables internal team collaboration and task management in a private and organized way. This way, you can effectively work alongside your client while simultaneously managing internal communications and tasks, all in one place.

Hopefully, this provides a clear understanding of how internal comments and tasks work in Coordinate. Remember, effective project management is about transparency with clients and efficient coordination within the team. And with Coordinate, you have the tool to do just that.

Should you have any questions or need further clarity, feel free to reach out. We're here to help you make the most of Coordinate in your project management journey.