make the switch to coordinate

We'll help you make the switch to Coordinate. Our privilege and treat.

You've tried everything: Google Docs, Asana, Trello,, Basecamp, ClickUp, Notion, Zoho, email. And yet your process is still broken, which is why you're on this website.

We get it. We get it so much, we built Coordinate. But we also understand that making the switch isn't easy. We understand there's a lot at stake, especially your time.

We're here to help. It's our privilege and our treat.

Kiss your broken process goodbye
Schedule My Switch
Here's how switching works

No matter what your current process and system, we've see it before. In fact, we already know you've likely tried multiple systems and scouted more than a dozen. Almost all of our customers come to us seeking asylum from software that simply wasn't designed for client project management; or if it was, designed poorly.

The point is, we already understand a lot about your current process, which is why we're confident we can help you make the switch in three separate calls.

Screenshot of customer's client project process in Coordinate
Your process automated with reusable templates and role-based tasks

First Call - Understanding your process

We'll dive into your current process, projects, team structure, and all the integrations you may need.

Second Call- Setting up your process in Coordinate

We'll create your process in Coordinate while reasoning about it from first principles. Coordinate neither offers nor requires endless customization or third-party add-ons. It works out of the box, which gives us the opportunity to optimize your process and avoid reproducing inefficiencies caused by your current system.

Third Call - Training your team and deploying to a live client

We'll invite your team to Coordinate to train them on your new process, and we'll roll out a live project to a new or existing client.

How long will this really take?

We're project management nerds with doctorate degrees on many broken processes. You're a world-class expert in your business. Together, we'll crush the enemy and bring you to the promised land in three business days, guaranteed. One week upfront, followed by fifty-one weeks of sizzling ROI.

How much work will I have to do?

We'll do 90% of the heavy lifting. All we'll need from you is your thoughtful input and joyful company—we can't wait to meet you! Beyond that...sit back, relax, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee from freshly roasted beans—also our treat!—while we regale you with tales of parenting sorrow.

Once we're live on Coordinate, will I ever be able to change my process again?

Yes. And don't worry if your process isn't perfect yet. Coordinate will put your process on rails so that it can scale. But you can change the gauge of the rails anytime. Just imagine your business as a Shinkansen bullet train. Woooosh!