Integrating Coordinate With Other Systems

Coordinate is always evolving and we are actively developing our integration features. Here you’ll find up-to-date information about the current functionality and how to use it. If there is integration functionality you need for your business that we don’t currently support, please let us know at We’d love to hear about how Coordinate can fit into your process and what integrations would help!


  • Webhook API + Zapier
    An outbound webhook to capture all project activity. Useful for keeping external systems up-to-date with Coordinate’s project data. Commonly used for things like: Sending new comments to Slack, Updating Goal status in CRM, triggering external workflows based on new activity.
  • Additional integrations are on the way!

Webhook API + Zapier

Coordinate’s webhook API allows an external application to subscribe to updates and get new information as it happens. Most of our customers choose to use Zapier to make it easy to integrate with thousands of applications. You can find Coordinate's Zapier app page here:

What it sends

The webhook API sends object information in JSON format whenever new activity occurs on your projects. See the example JSONs at the end of this section for details. Here are the activities that are included in the webhook feed:

  • New or updated Projects
  • New or updated Tasks
  • New or updated Task Groups
  • New or updated Goals
  • New comment or note added

In each case, the sent object includes all necessary information to understand the details and current state of the object in Coordinate. When the object has been updated, the output will also include which fields were changed.

How it works

Getting started with Coordinate's webhook API is easy. Once you have integrations enabled on your account, just go to the Integrations tab and under Webhook API click +Add Endpoint. Enter a URL that is configured to listen for events from Coordinate, give it a nickname, and click create. That's it! Coordinate is now sending updates as they happen to the target URL.

To learn more about setting up endpoints and to read our full API documentation, see our API Documentation.

Using Zapier to integrate with the Webhook API

Zapier makes it easy to capture and process the output of the Coordinate Webhook API and supports thousands of destination systems. We have some existing templates to make common integrations simple, and are making more all the time! Check it out here:

Don’t see the integration you’re looking for? Let us know!

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